Sunday 9 December 2012

Why I believe this super food is best, straight from the local farmer.

It might seem odd to some people that the first solid food I gave my 8 month old baby was....egg yolk. After researching and researching, I decided that this was probably the best thing for the healthy development of his brain. You think I'm crazy, right?

Did you know that the fatty acids in an egg yolk is supposed to be beneficial for the development of his central nervous system? I was game if Ollie was game. And I'll tell ya, he sure loves his egg yolk.

I was amazed to learn that organic free-range eggs have more nutrition than the ones you'd buy at the grocery store. I was even told that eggs you buy from the grocery store could be up to a month old. That grossed me out! I will admit, there are some days where it's just so much easier to grab a dozen eggs where I'm already shopping, but I know that buying from our local farmer is:

 1. A healthier option
 2. Supports our farmers and local businesses.
3. Our chickens are being treated fairly, where proper hygiene is optimal.....and therefore, there is less chance of salmonella poisoning.

Thanks to a friend who buys her organic free range eggs by the dozens, I decided to check out a little local shop/farm that sells things like flour, spices, and even candies in bulk. They provide me with about 4 dozen eggs every few weeks. We buy a lot of eggs because they're good for you, and heck at $3.75 a dozen, they're cheaper than buying meat!

There's a great guide on buying your eggs and what to watch for with labels at the stores. There are differences between free-range, free-run, and cage-free. Check out  Dr. David Suzuki's descriptions.

So, remember that time when I said organic free-range eggs have more nutrition than commercial eggs? This is what Doctor Mercola posted on his website recently:

"Testing has confirmed that true free-range eggs are far more nutritious than commercially raised eggs. In a 2007 egg-testing project, Mother Earth News compared the official U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient data for commercial eggs with eggs from hens raised on pasture and found that the latter typically contains:
  • 1/3 less cholesterol
  • 1/4 less saturated fat
  • 2/3 more vitamin A
  • 2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
  • 3 times more vitamin E
  • 7 times more beta carotene
The dramatically superior nutrient levels are most likely the result of the differences in diet between free ranging, pastured hens and commercially farmed hens."

So there you have it. This was all very interesting to me. And very soon, I was on the organic free-range egg "bandwagon."

If you're intrigued, Check out more from this awesome article from here.

Until next time, Stay Healthy ya'll!


  1. We tried egg yolk (cooked) as one of our first foods, but Lilian hated the texture! Did you add anything to it (breastmilk, etc) to make it a little creamier? Or did you just give it as-is to Oli?

  2. Have you checked to see if their egg laying chickens are started on chick starter or not? That's my next step.

  3. Hey Sam! The egg yolk we gave Ollie isn't really 'cooked.' Usually I do a sunny side up egg, and make sure I cook all the whites. And then I cut the top of the egg and spoon out the yolk to feed to Ollie. He loves it. I don't mix it with anything! And since it's not fully cooked, there's more nutrients, and it's a much better consistency than cooked yolk which can be crumbly, and a hard texture for babies to handle!
